Sometimes things seem more complicated than they should be. This is the case with emergency school closures or "snow-days" as in this case. This past winter (I am using the word "past" hoping we don't have any more weather related closures), we dismissed school on the following days due to extreme weather conditions:
- January 10 - Early Dismissal
- January 15 - Full Day
- February 5 - Full Day
- February 8 - Early Dismissal
- February 9 - Full Day
- February 20 - Late Start
Without going into the aggregate hour details, our schools will make up some of the aggregate hours without a vote by the Board of Trustees in the following manner:
- The District built in a snow day on April 27, 2018, Students and staff will be required to come to school on April 27, 2018.
- WHEREAS: These hours will be made up by changing May 24, 2018 from a part day to a full day and at the end of the year by moving the last day of school from May 30, 2018 to May 31, 2018. Students will come a full day on May 30, 2018 and there will be an early release on May 31, 2018 (PBES 12:15 PM, FBMS 12:30 PM, CHS 12:20 PM).
"Get out in front and stay there!"