Friday, January 20, 2023

Colstrip Legislative Reception

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski    

It was a pleasure representing the District and celebrating Colstrip at the Colstrip Legislative Reception held Monday night at the Great Northern Convention Center in Helena. Our District was one of thirty co-sponsors for the event.  The event provided co-sponsors a venue to discuss concerns and opportunities with legislators. More importantly, it was an extraordinary night of honoring former Senator Duane Ankney.  


Speakers included the former Senator, Senator Jason Small, Senator Barry Usher, Representative Gary Parry, Representative Paul Green, Mayor John Williams as well as Governor Greg Gianforte. Their greetings echoed the part that Colstip plays in energy and service to the State of Montana and the greater United States. The reception boasted about the Colstrip community and the hard working and dedicated people that live here.


If hearing about the great things that Colstrip has to offer wasn’t enough, NorthWestern Energy announced that Avista would be transferring its interest in Units 3 and 4 at no cost to NorthWestern Energy by the end of 2025. The deal would give NorthWestern authority to use up to 444 megawatts of power from Units 3 and 4, double its current share. NorthWestern believed that the deal provides certainty for the community of Colstrip and Montana. That message resulted in one of a number of standing ovations.  For more information go to:


The final standing ovation was given to former Senator, Duane Ankney for his dedication and service at the legislative level since 1987. It was a great night for Duane and a great night for Colstrip. It was an evening that would not have taken place without the organizational efforts of Jim Atchison and the South Eastern Montana Development Corporation. Thank you one and all for the opportunity to celebrate our community!




"Get out in front and stay there!"

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

High School Gymnasium Storming Back

by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski    

It is with a great deal of anticipation, that the District announces that the high school gymnasium's floor replacement is complete. The final finish is curing, as per manufacturer's recommendation, and the gym will be open for use beginning January 22, 2023. All formerly scheduled activities for the high school gymnasium will resume starting the week of January 22, 2023. 

The District would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding as everyone has made sacrifices as we worked through this unforeseen emergency.


In the early hours of July 5, 2022 a hail storm struck Colstrip causing considerable damage across our community. Some places were worse than others. On the outside, the District buildings seemed to weather the storm without damage; however, the inside of the gymnasium had water. Pools of water were discovered in the gym by both emergency exit doors by the custodial staff as they came back from the holiday break. Once the water entered the building and pooled up, it began to travel back toward the door and run beneath the door jam down to the base of the current floor and down to the sub-floor.  Noticeable cupping could be seen and felt on the surface of the top floor approximately 30 feet in diameter of each of the two north doors.

 The water was the result of the overflow drains (located approximately 20 feet above the doors) spilling excess water out over the doorway with a north wind crushing it into the building. The regular storm drains were overloaded with hail and water. The overflow drains protect the roof from weight overload and allow water to escape in the case of extreme storms. The problem being, that the drains are located above the emergency exits in addition the emergency door sweeps were not water tight.

The standing water was immediately removed. The water that went under the floor was also mitigated as quickly as possible.  Testing for mold would have to be done. It would take two weeks for cultures to develop and be analyzed. Unfortunately, after that time period, the cultures indicated mold growth. Approximately 30 feet of gymnasium floor would have to be removed to get rid of the mold. 

At that time, an emergency board meeting was called. The Colstrip School Board of Trustees declared the damage caused to school facilities by the July 5, 2022 rain, thunder and hail storm as an unforeseen emergency as defined in 20-3-322(5). The school facilities damaged by the storm were scheduled for use at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, beginning on the first day of school on August 24, 2022.

The school insurance carrier agreed that the damage would be covered by insurance and the school should take additional action. As Superintendent, I contacted Tyler Bush, Design Build Engineer from McKinstry. McKinstry was hired by the District to provide Design/Build Contracting Services (project manager). Mold remediation took place immediately and the damaged floor was removed.

Contracts were developed to replace the floor. Due to the cost of replacement the insurance carrier had to gain permissions from their re-insurer before the contracts could be executed.

The re-insurer had to re-examine all details. Time was of the essence; however, total agreement took time. After two weeks, the contract to begin work was approved. Schedules had to be pushed back, but the  floor construction and demolition were underway. The board and public were provided updates from McKinstry and myself at the monthly board meetings.

In addition to the replacement of the floor, Colstrip athletic teams had to deal with a different practice and game facility. New schedules were developed. Our entire community made sacrifices to do the very best to make good out of a difficult situation. It was remarkable seeing everyone pull together to make things work. Signage was established at Frank Brattin Middle School. New wall mats were installed and lighting updated. Everything from concessions to entry had to be considered in order to host varsity contests.

Meanwhile, the old floor was removed. Upon removal, the new floor materials came in as scheduled. The new sub-floor was installed, emergency doors were replaced with a water tight solution, bleachers were pulled out and the new floor was put in place.  As contractors worked, it was the goal to get the gymnasium ready for District Basketball Tournaments and possibly senior night for the winter sport teams. 

Special thanks to the Board of Trustees and the Administration at all levels for making needed adjustments and new schedules. Thanks to the Athletic Director and coaches for their support and adjustments to carry out their practices, games and season. Thank you goes out to the students and the industrial arts classes for their help in the removal of the old gymnasium floor as they will be using the maple product to build projects.  The list of thanks goes out to so many that are unmentioned. It is because of your efforts and contributions to make things better that our community will be able to enjoy the High School Gymnasium in time for our winter culminating events. Way to MAKE DUST Colstrip!



"Get out in front and stay there!"