by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski
The Calendar Committee has been meeting since early February to develop three calendars that meet the Office of Public Instructions mandates for aggregate student hours. The three calendars present a variety of opportunities. I am providing them in the blog so they can be carefully reviewed for taking the on line survey at: Calendar Survey will close at noon on Friday, April 9, 2021.
You are encouraged to use the corresponding calendar views to help you in this process.
Full Day: (WHITE COLORED DAYS) This is a regular day of school.Typical days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the following times:
Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 3:25 PM
Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM
Middle School: 8:10 AM - 3:45 PM
High School: 8:05 AM - 3:33 PM
Partial Days: (GREEN ) School is dismissed early. These days are scheduled on Fridays. Partial day times:
Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 2:25 PM
Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM
Middle School: 8:10 AM - 2:45 PM
High School: 8:05 AM - 2:35 PM
Half Days: (PURPLE COLORED DAYS) Half-days often occur right before holiday breaks. Half-day times:
Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 12:10 PM
Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Middle School: 8:10 AM - 12:32 PM
High School: 8:05 AM - 12:20 PM
School Days: Days students will be in attendance at school.
Remote Learning Days (PINK COLORED DAYS) School is hosted remotely. Off-site instruction is provided on these days. Students learn and work at home during these days.
Staff Days: Days scheduled for the professional staff.
PIR Days: (ORANGE COLORED DAYS) Pupil Instruction Related (PIR) or professional development/training days. No school is scheduled for students.
PDW Days: (LIGHT BLUE COLORED DAYS) Professional Development Work Days. These are days when staff will have professional development or a scheduled work day. No school is scheduled for students.
Vacation or Holidays: (YELLOW COLORED DAYS) Days recognized as holidays or breaks. There is NO SCHOOL on these days.
BLACK Calendar Option (See Graphic Above): This Calendar is the same
basic calendar originally planned for this school year. The Calendar
length is 170 student contact days. School begins on Aug 19 and ends on
May 24. It has (8) Winter Break Days; (2) Spring/Easter Break Days. It
has (144) Full Days; (23) Part Days; and (3) Half Days. There are (185)
Professional/Staff Days and (7) PIR Days and (8) Professional
Development Work Days or "PDW" Days for teacher development, work and
group planning. This Calendar requires structured recesses for the
elementary to extend learning time while taking advantage of low
attendance numbers on Friday afternoons by scheduling one hour early
release for students to attend activities and weekend events without
absence. The most significant characteristic of this calendar is that it
utilizes part days and PDW on Fridays to maximize student time in class
since many students are gone on activities either part of the day or
the entire day.
GREEN - HYBRID REMOTE FRIDAY with PDW "Professional Development Work"
PARTIAL DAY CALENDAR (One Friday per month is scheduled for Remote
Learning other Fridays will be Partial Days of school or PDW days): The
Calendar length is 170 student contact days; nine (9) of which are
Remote Learning Days. School begins on August 19 and ends on May 24. It
has (8) Winter Break Days; (2) Spring Break Days. It has (143) Full
Days; (25) Part Days on Fridays; and (2) Half Days strategically placed
to take advantage low attendance. There are (185) Professional/Staff
Days and (7) Pupil Instructional Related Days and (8) Professional
Development Work Days or "PDW" Days for teacher development, work and
group planning. This Calendar requires structured recesses for the
elementary to extend learning time while taking advantage of low
attendance numbers on Friday afternoons by scheduling one hour early
release for students to attend activities and weekend events without
absence. The most significant characteristic of this calendar is that it
also includes one (1) Remote Learning day for every full month of
REMOTE LEARNING DAYS: These days will provide
students remote instruction outside of school to maximize their
individualized learning, using classroom materials and technology. The
District will offer enrichment, correctives and educational
opportunities from 8:00 AM until Noon on these days. Students are
expected to complete remote learning assignments whether they are
participating in one of the above opportunities or at home.
FRIDAYS: Enrichments will be provided to students whose needs go beyond
the standard of instructional expectation. Enrichment Opportunities are
by invitation only. Attendance is optional.
Correctives will be provided to students that are not meeting grade or
content level expectations. Invitation for corrective instruction is by
request. Face-to-face attendance is required. Students that fail to
attend will be counted absent. Because of COVID-19 and the interruptions
it created in our educational delivery, Corrective Fridays provide a
significant opportunity to address students that may be at-risk or
missing critical content components.
Educational Opportunities will be available to all students. Students
must sign up for these opportunities ahead of time so appropriate
planning can take place. These opportunities will focus on the REMOTE
LEARNING expectations provided in order to help the student accomplish
the skills of independent learning. On occasion, other educational
opportunities will include a variety of activities and experiences. The
intent will be to create a focused, fun and safe environment at each
building level. Students will be in mixed age groups for many of these
NOTE: School lunch and breakfast will be available
for all students on Remote Learning Fridays. They may schedule to pick
it up or eat in the cafeteria at the building which they attend.
BLUE Calendar Option or "PDW" Calendar (See Graphic Above): The Calendar
length is 169 student contact days; nineteen (19) of which are Remote
Learning Days. School begins on August 19 and ends on May 25. It has (8)
Winter Break Days; (2) Spring Break Days. It has (144) Full Days; (23)
Part Days; and (2) Half Days strategically placed to reduce low
attendance. There are (184) Professional/Staff Days and (7) Pupil
Instructional Related Days and (8) Professional Development Work Days or
"PDW" Days for teacher development, work and group planning. This
Calendar requires structured recesses for the elementary to extend
learning time. The most significant characteristic of this calendar is
that it includes Remote Learning days (see information below) on
scheduled school Fridays. The only Friday that students are scheduled
for face-to-face instruction is on August 20, 2021.
LEARNING DAYS: These days will provide students remote instruction
outside of school to maximize their individualized learning, using
classroom materials and technology. The District will offer enrichment,
correctives and educational opportunities from 8:00 AM until Noon on
these days. Students are expected to complete remote learning
assignments whether they are participating in one of the above
opportunities or at home.
ENRICHMENT FRIDAYS: Enrichments will be
provided to students whose needs go beyond the standard of
instructional expectation. Enrichment Opportunities are by invitation
only. Attendance is optional.
will be provided to students that are not meeting grade or content level
expectations. Invitation for corrective instruction is by request.
Face-to-face attendance is required. Students that fail to attend will
be counted absent. Because of COVID-19 and the interruptions it created
in our educational delivery, Corrective Fridays provide a significant
opportunity to address students that may be at-risk or missing critical
content components.
Opportunities will be available to all students. Students must sign up
for these opportunities ahead of time so appropriate planning can take
place. These opportunities will focus on the REMOTE LEARNING
expectations provided in order to help the student accomplish the skills
of independent learning. On occasion, other educational opportunities
will include a variety of activities and experiences. The intent will be
to create a focused, fun and safe environment at each building level.
Students will be in mixed age groups for many of these activities.
School lunch and breakfast will be available for all students on Remote
Learning Fridays. They may schedule to pick it up or eat in the
cafeteria at the building which they attend.