Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Making It Count on PIR Days

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

​The Colstrip staff made every moment count during their Pupil Instructional Related day on September 26, 2022 with pedagogical author and speaker Dr. Marie Hubley Alcock. The staff worked on developing curricula that aligns in grades and content K-12. Current standards were vertically aligned and assessment option were introduced. This was a day of working, learning and preparing a guaranteed and viable curriculum that will be used and assessed on an on-going bases. 

Pupil Instruction Related days are mandated by Montana Code Annotated 20-1-304. Pupil-instruction-related day. A pupil-instruction-related day is a day of teacher activities devoted to improving the quality of instruction.

The activities may include but are not limited to in-service training, attending state meetings of teacher organizations, and conducting parent conferences.

A maximum of 7 pupil-instruction-related days may be conducted during a school year, with a minimum of 3 of the days for instructional and professional development meetings or other appropriate in-service training, if the days are planned in accordance with the policy adopted by the board of public education.

The days may not be included as a part of the required minimum aggregate hours of pupil instruction.




"Get out in front and stay there!"


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Back to School Welcome 2022-2023

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

The entire Colstrip Public School Staff is ready to "Make Dust" in 2022-2023. Part of the New Teacher and Staff Orientation that took place on Tuesday, August 16 was a quick photo to introduce the new faces to the community. The color photo includes our entire staff for 2022-2023. 

The bottom photos are of the new teachers and staff.  Please welcome our new teachers from left to right: Jane Goedert (HS Business), Angie Gotfredson (FBMS Art and Family Consumer Science), Heidi Becker (Elementary 1st Grade), Hailey Brauer (Elementary 4th Grade), Deanna Patton (HS Family Consumers Science), Henry Scarber (Elementary 5th Grade), MaLesha Siegel (Elementary 2nd Grade), Precilla Hance (Elementary 5th Grade), Taylor Ramsey (FBMS History), Wayne Graham (CHS/FBMS World Language). 

Please welcome our new staff members from left to right: Don Limberhand (home liaison), Micheael Engelhart (CHS Custodian), Britney Allen (District Clerk), Stacey Batie (FBMS Secretary), Amy Quinlan (Maintenance and Bus Driver), Dani Erickson (Payroll Clerk), Steven Hanson (CHS Custodian).

If you run on to these folks at school or in the community, please give them a warm welcome.



"Get out in front and stay there!"

Saturday, August 20, 2022

First Things First: Emergency Response Safety Training

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

​The entire staff met on Friday, August 19 for the first time to start off the 2022-2023 School Year. After welcomes and introductions, the TEAM began reviewing the District Emergency Safety Plan's protocols and procedures for executing building and district responses. Together with Police Chief Cory Hert, the District was able to get Billings SWAT, led by Nathan West (and his team) to present to the staff as well as a number of officers representing multiple city and county departments. The topic and demonstration was based on Active Shooter Response Operations. 

The staff reviewed the systems and tools available in responding to an emergency. After the training many the staff said they felt better prepared to respond to an unknown emergency or threat. 

The District conducts a minimum of eight drills throughout the year including fire, earthquake and lockdown drills. Safety and well being is of the upmost importance in our District. The District has multiple alert systems as well as security and surveillance systems. We will continue to improve and adapt to best practices to keep our students, staff and community safe.



"Get out in front and stay there!"

Monday, May 2, 2022

Teachers are not only Essential, but Vital to our Community

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski    

The past two-and-one-half years have been very difficult for the educational community. COVID and the wave of consequences that it has brought, as well as the aftermath of damage it has left makes an already difficult job for educators, next to impossible. Making lemonade out of lemons is a daily process. Educators have been in the mist of this battle; in fact, teachers and staff members are on the font-lines of COVID in our society. They come to school and opened minds and touch hearts despite the levels of risk that they incur.

This week is so important as it is Teacher Appreciation Week! As trite as it sounds, most educators don't get into this profession to make money, they are in it to make a difference. In cleaning up after COVID, they are working to bring our communities back together. Their classrooms are filled with numerous losses, mental health challenges, in addition to learning gaps that were created by the pandemic. Teachers are a part of so many different lives. They are MAKING DUST AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE! 

We need to recognize that teachers can provide the pathway back to normal. Our country needs public education and the people that serve our families more than ever. Teachers need support and we need more of them. Please take the time to let them know that they have your support. Take time to let them know that you appreciate the work they are doing. When you VOTE, keep teachers in mind. The payment that comes from appreciation does more for our youth than we know.  

I know we all appreciate the road that our teachers have been down serving our community during this pandemic. Let them know it. Go out of the way to give them a call, text, email or thank them personally. It is in giving that we receive.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Trustees Approve the 2022-2023 Calendar

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski    

The 2022-2023 Colstrip Public School Calendar was approved by the Colstrip Board of Trustees at its Regular April 2022 Board Meeting on April 25, 2022. 

The Calendar length is 169 student contact days. School begins on August 24 and ends on May 25. It has (8) Winter Break Days; (2) Spring Break Days. It has (143) Full Days; (25) Part Days; and (1) Half There are (184) Professional/Staff Days and (7) Pupil Instructional Related Days and (8) Professional Development Work Days or "PDW" Days for teacher development, work and group planning. While there are no make-up days scheduled in this calendar, it provides 1/2 of a day for possible school closure (not including one day provided by the Office of Public Instruction).

Staff Start Date: August 19, 22, 23 PIR

First Day for Students:  Wednesday, August 24

Winter/Christmas Break: 8 days plus weekends

Spring/Easter Break: 2 Days plus weekends

Last day for students: Thursday, May 25 (Half day)

Teacher Check-out: Friday, May 26

No Make Up Day Scheduled

Make Up Day Flexibility: ½  day (plus one day from State)


Total Full Days 143

Total Part Days 25

Total Half Days 1


Total School Days 169

PIR Days                   7

PDW Days                 8


Total Staff Days   184


Quarter One = 42 Days

Quarter Two = 41 Days

Quarter Three = 45 Days

Quarter Four = 41 Days


Full Day: (WHITE COLORED DAYS) This is a regular day of school.Typical days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the following times:

Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 3:25 PM

Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM

Middle School: 8:10 AM - 3:45 PM

High School: 8:05 AM - 3:33 PM


Partial Days: (GREEN ) School is dismissed early. These days are scheduled on Fridays. Partial day times:

Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 2:25 PM

Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM

Middle School: 8:10 AM - 2:45 PM

High School: 8:05 AM - 2:35 PM


Half Days: (PURPLE COLORED DAYS) Half-days often occur right before holiday breaks. Half-day times:

Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 12:10 PM

Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Middle School: 8:10 AM - 12:32 PM

High School: 8:05 AM - 12:20 PM


School Days: Days students will be in attendance at school.

Staff Days: Days scheduled for the professional staff.

PIR Days: (ORANGE COLORED DAYS) Pupil Instruction Related (PIR) or professional development/training days. No school is scheduled for students.

PDW Days: (LIGHT BLUE COLORED DAYS) Professional Development Work Days. These are days when staff will have professional development or a scheduled work day. No school is scheduled for students.  

Vacation or Holidays: (YELLOW COLORED DAYS) Days recognized as holidays or breaks. There is NO SCHOOL on these days.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Board of Trustees Promise to Colstrip Taxpayers

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

Colstrip Taxpayer,


On April 4, 2022, the Colstrip School Board of Trustees passed the following resolution to assure the taxpayers of Colstrip that although the board has voted to bring an annual levy to the voters on May 3rd, the levy amounts will be reduced or eliminated with Coal Gross Proceed revenues.


The annual levies allow the District to provide competitive salaries and wages to our employees in order to attract and retain the best professionals and services for our children.


The Board wants you to know that as you vote for the general fund levies, the taxed amounts identified in the levy language will be reduced, if not eliminated by revenues from Coal Gross Proceeds in fiscal year 2023.  When you review your ballot for the May election, please remember: Your “yes” vote will provide the school with budget authority with little or no cost to the taxpayer.  Please call the District Office if you have any questions at 406-748-4699.


See the attached Adopted Resolution: Promise to Colstrip Taxpayers  for details. 


Thank you for your support,


Colstrip School Board of Trustees

Tanya Bradley, Bruce Brown, Steve Becker, DeeAnne Egan, Sabrina Neiman






WHEREAS:  the Board of Trustees of Colstrip Public Schools voted at its meeting of March 30, 2022, to propose an increase in its general fund operating levies for both the elementary and high school districts; and

WHEREAS:  the amount of the increased levy was set at the minimum amount needed to allow the Board to adopt the prior year’s budget with minor adjustments; and

WHEREAS: the Board of Trustees also agreed it would not impose any levies authorized during the May 2022 election to the extent that the district has access to other non-levy revenues to fund the general fund budget; and

WHEREAS:  the Board of Trustees will rely on revenues from the Coal Gross Proceeds tax that are due to Colstrip Public Schools pursuant to law, to reduce and/or eliminate any increase in any levies authorized during the May 2022 election; and

WHEREAS: the Board of Trustees wishes to document its directions to its staff leadership team in this regard and to provide an assurance to the Colstrip community.



1.              The Board of Trustees directs its staff to provide the Board with the FY23 Montana Department of Revenue estimates of Coal Gross Proceeds at the first regular board meeting after said estimates are received in the spring of FY22.


2.              The Board of Trustees directs that staff provide an estimate of the distribution based on current law of said Coal Gross Proceeds to the district’s FY23 budgeted funds no later than the date of its budget work session prior to the annual budget meeting currently scheduled for August 9, 2022. The Board recognizes that increases/decreases in taxable valuation, which will not be certified until August 2022, could offset the effects of Coal Gross Proceeds during the budget adoption process. 


3.         The Board of Trustees directs staff to specifically identify Coal Gross Proceeds revenues by its annual budget meeting, currently scheduled for August 9, 2022, for use by the Board of Trustees to eliminate, or if insufficient to eliminate, to reduce any increase in levies authorized during the May 2022 election. The Board further directs that any Coal Gross Proceeds received by the district for fiscal year 2023 be used as the first dollar source of revenue to reduce what would otherwise be covered by approved school levies authorized by a vote of the public during the May 2022 election. Imposition of levies approved during the May 2022 election will only occur if Coal Gross Proceeds revenues received by the district for FY23 fall short of anticipated amounts.


ADOPTED ON: April 4, 2022

ADOPTED BY: Colstrip Public School Board of Trustees


Notice of Annual School Election

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned Clerk of Colstrip School District No. 19, Rosebud County, State of Montana that the Annual School Election will be held on Tuesday May 3, 2022, at the following polling place:


Colstrip High School Activities Mezzanine

5000 Pine Butte Drive

Colstrip Montana


The polls will be open between the hours of Noon and 8:00 p.m. on the day of the election.


Electors will consider the following issues at the election:

• Elect two (2) trustees, each for a three-year term. The candidates for the positions are as follows:

o Sarah Cookman

o Jon (Jonathan) Currier, Jr.

o Tiffany Davenport

o DeeAnne Egan

o Wade Steere


• Mill levy proposition to finance the school’s Elementary General Fund:

To determine whether the district shall be authorized to impose an increase in local taxes in the amount of $291,960.48 which is approximately 5.67 mills to meet the normal operational costs of the Elementary District General Fund for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The levy is ongoing once approved by the voters assuming the district levies that amount at least once in the next five years. Passage of this proposal will increase the taxes on a home with market value of $100,000 by approximately $7.65 and on a home with a market value of $200,000 by approximately $15.31.


• Mill levy proposition to finance the school’s High School General Fund:

To determine whether the district shall be authorized to impose an increase in local taxes in the amount of $188,758.99 which is approximately 3.67 mills to meet the normal operational costs of the High School District General Fund for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The levy is ongoing once approved by the voters assuming the district levies that amount at least once in the next five years. Passage of this proposal will increase the taxes on a home with market value of $100,000 by approximately $4.95 and on a home with a market value of $200,000 by approximately $9.91.


A qualified registered elector who will be unable to go to the polls on the day of election may request an “Application for Absentee Voter’s Ballot” from the school district clerk/election administrator’s office located at:

Colstrip Schools Central Office

Colstrip High School

5000 Pine Butte Drive

Colstrip, Montana


If you miss this regular registration deadline (30 days prior to the election), you may still register for the election by showing up at the county election office by noon on the day before election day. The late registration certificate may be exchanged for a ballot at the school election administrator’s office until the close of polls on election day. The county election office is located at:

Rosebud County Courthouse

Clerk & Recorder

1200 Main Street

Forsyth MT 59327


A late registrant may obtain a ballot on election day at the following location:

Colstrip Schools Central Office

Colstrip High School

5000 Pine Butte Drive

Colstrip, Montana


DATED this 1st day of April, 2022

Joanne Schrupp

District Clerk

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Awarded Grants Total $1.7 Million Since May 2019

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski    

Vice Chairman Bruce Brown, McKinstry Executive of Operations Tyler Bush and I presented the Coal Board Grant on December 9, 2021 and were awarded $127,112.00 to complete the CHS Academic Area LED Lighting of the grant. CPS was two of six applicants that were funded. There was only $309,152.00 available at the time and an estimated $1,000,000.00 additional revenue by the end of the fiscal year. Instead of funding other projects contingent on additional funding, the Coal Board only funded two projects. 

There were a total of $1,703,105.00 projects requested; however, the Coal Board only funded $170,062.00 of the available funds. 

Total Competitive Grants acquired since 2019 is $1,740,738.00: ADA Compliance Phase I (5.1.19) $473.550.00; ADA Compliance Phase II (9.12.19) $271,303.00; Delivering Local Assistance (11.4.20) $747,500.00; Water Main (1.27.20) $121,273.00; and the LED Lighting CHS Academic Area (12.9.21) $127,112.00.

Total Competitive Grants since 2019





ADA Compliance Phase I (5.1.19)




ADA Compliance Phase II (9.12.19)




Delivering Local Assistance (11.4.19)




Water Main (1.27.20)




LED CHS Academic Area (12.9.21)










Good job to everyone involved! Way to Make Dust!




"Get out in front and stay there!"