Thursday, March 24, 2016

Disposal Auction

by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

As per Policy 7251, the district is disposing of obsolete, undesirable, or unsuitable property as it can no longer be stored in IBCLC. Faculty members were given a chance to select items that they would like to utilize in their classroom at the District Early Out. The maintenance department has moved those items to their buildings. A resolution to dispose this property was approved by the Board at the Regular February Board Meeting. 

The District has solicited the Van Ash Auction Company to sell the property to the highest bidder. Gordon Van Ash, owner said the most profitable and efficient way to do so is through online sales. You can go to to view the items being sold and the conditions of the sale. 

At this time, you are able to submit a bid.

Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets will be deposited to the general, debts service, building, or any other appropriate fund (Policy 7251 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Disposal of School District Property Without a Vote). 

Please share the information and look over the items listed on the website of Kinsey Auctioneers and Real Estate. 



"Get out in front and stay there!"

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